Recent Changes

(PageStream only) Multi-month calendars can be created where a single document consists of multiple calendars.

(ClassAct GUI only) Help bubbles can be accessed by placing the mouse pointer over a gadget and pressing the 'Help' key on the keyboard. The bubble will go away after a short time (as defined by the HelpTime variable) or upon pressing the 'Help' key a second time (in the help-bubble window).

(ClassAct GUI only) ImageClass variables can now be added and deleted using the variable requester.

A minor change allows the use of earlier versions of ClassAct. Although ClassAct is the default GUI, use of BGUI can be forced by setting the ForceBGUI variable. If you can't get the ClassAct GUI to work for some reason, you may have to set ForceBGUI = 1 in your preference file using a text editor.

BGUI is still supported due to the unavailabity of current ClassAct classes

Added Random and History options (see data files)

Changed the way requesters are sent to the proper screen. RexxTricks is no longer required, but FrontPubScreen is. Other screen-identification applications will be supported upon request.

Bug fixes?

Required GUI interface is now ClassAct (used with AWNPipe) rather than BGUI (used with RexxBGUI)

Added printable version of docs (see bottom entry of index)

All variables that were described in terms of "fractions" are now described in terms of "percent." This means that all settings for the "fraction" variables now need to be expressed in percent. To do this, multiply the value of the "fraction" variable by 100. For example, TextAdj had a default value of 0.77; it's new default value is 77. You only need to make the conversion if one of the variables listed below shows up in your preference file (use any text reader to determine this):

The ability to add a box around the whole calendar area was added, as was the ability to add a "shadow" to the main calendar and the minicals. The following variables were added to implement these features:

The ability to change the header from the default August 2000 (for example) to a user-defined setting was added, as was the ability to add a user-defined subheader. The following variables were added to implement these features:

TabFactor, TabSub, and EventKey variables deleted.

CornerRadius variable - Causes date cells to bordered by rounded boxes rather than by a square grid. The entries in the cell (the date, highlights, and events) are shifted to accommodate the rounded corner. CornerRadius is fully adjustable in PageStream. In FinalWriter, the actual corner radius is set by the application; in this case, the value of CornerRadius serves to control the shift of entries in the cell.

DoBackgrounds variable deleted. The functionality is still there, but with the addition of the <Clear> option for the background colors, this variable is no longer required.

The variable editor now saves changes directly to the preference file (no more mysterious FWC.dat file).

Translation file is now separate from the preference file, allowing easy update of translations strings without messing with the preference file.

Highlight editor has been added to variable editor (no need to manually change the preference file any more except when adding imageclass variables).

All data format changes (including new translation file) are transparent to the user.

DoEaster variable deleted (functionality still there, variable not needed).

Fixed a problem with using DST in conjunction with printing sunrise/sunset times.

Allowed a note box to print where ever empty calendar cells would print. See DoNoteBox variable.

Allowed week 6 to be at the top of the calendar rather than split at the bottom of the calendar. See DoTopExtraWk variable.

Allowed biweekly events in FWCAddEvent, and weekly and biweekly highlights in FWCalendar. See Highlights, FWCAddEvent, and Prefs & Data for more information.

Added support for alternate graphics applications (in particular, ImageDTInfo by D�maso Dom?nguez). See Images for more information.

Added support for PostScript images. See Images for more information.

Added support for date.library by Kai Hofmann to be used rather than rexxmathlib.library.

Allowed various backgrounds to be transparent.

Font.Extras variable - The font to be used for printing extras (sunrise/sunset, julian/julian left, weeknumber) text.

MagnifyExtras variable - Adjusts the size of the extras text (sunrise/sunset, julian/julian left, weeknumber) by shrinking it or enlarging it relative to the font size used for highlights. A value less than 1 will shrink the text, while a value greater than 1 will enlarge the text.

Leading variable - Adjusts the amount of space between each line, expressed as a percentage of the font height. A leading of 100 (%) would mean the top of line 2 would be even with the top of line 1. A leading of 120 would mean the top of line 2 would be 20% of the font height below line 1. This is especially useful with PageStream which would normally default to a setting of 120% and results in lines looking very far apart on the calendar.

MinWidth variable - To maximize the amount of text (highlight or event) that will fit on a line, FWCalendar and FWCAddEvent will attempt to compress the line. This variable limits the extent of that compression. A setting of 100 (%) would mean no compression is allowed, while a setting of 80 would allow text to be compressed to as small as 80% of its normal width.

The format for the FWCAddEvent data file has changed. Sorry, but the change was necessary to accomodate the option to select the text color at the time the event is added.

Note especially addition of SunCalcPath, GfxAppPath, DoSunRise, and DoSunSet variables, and deletion of DoSunCalc variable.

See the new values for "extras" variables (DoPhases, DoWeeknumbers, DoSunRise, DoSunSet, etc).

StretchDateW/ variable - Multiplier used on calculated date-font width to increase or decrease the date-font width.

StretchDateH variable - Multiplier used on calculated date-font height to increase or decrease the date-font height.